Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Let’s Talk To A Trailblazing Founder W/ Sir Franklin Cooper

BIOGRAPHY Sir Frank Cooper  "Laughter Has No Color" FACT - Sir Frank Cooper is the founder of the 1st Award Show & Ceremony for African - American comedians. The name of the awards show is African-American Humor Awards, aka  The AAhAs. Sir Frank Cooper is the esteemed visionary who founded and spearheaded the highly acclaimed African American Humor Awards Society, the AAhAs, in 1989. Born and raised in Georgia (US) he left to pursue his dream, and although he faced deep challenges, it was during his practice of meditation that he had the brilliant idea to produce an awards show. Now, 29 years later, he has continued to produce the AAhAs events for the" purpose of recognizing legendary African - American comedic talent.  The AAhAs trademarked comedic expression is Laughter Has No Color. The phrase emphasizes inclusivity and highlights the idea that comedy can bridge divides and promote unity among diverse audiences. The award show is a contribution to Native African Americans' rich cultural heritage and artistic contributions, celebrating their achievements across various fields, including film, television, music, and activism. Sir Frank Cooper has profoundly impacted internationally recognized comedians by presenting awards to so many pioneers in comedy who have gone decades being overlooked in their profession. In this exclusive two-part interview we will have the honor of meeting this remarkable man.  The Listener/Audience:  Website - The AAhAs are looking for SPONSORS. Please contact them at their website link provided above or at (CONTACT).  Thank you in advance!        

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